A research team has developed a novel, high-throughput, nondestructive method for assessing rice panicle traits, termed ...
A research team introduces phenomic selection (PS) as a low-cost, high-throughput alternative to genomic selection (GS) in ...
An international team of researchers including The University of Tokyo Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the ...
Der Regenwald im Amazonas dünstet riesige Mengen von gasförmigem Isopren aus. Bislang galt, dass dieses Molekül nicht weit in ...
The rainforest in the Amazon basin transpires vast amounts of gaseous isoprene. Until now, it was assumed that this molecule ...
Isoprene emitted by tropical forests may provide a globally important source of aerosol particles that influence clouds, according to a new study by ...
Edge artificial intelligence (AI) is enabling real-time data processing and decision-making directly on devices, reducing latency and bandwidth usage ...
Forschende am Paul Scherrer Institut PSI haben ein Konzept vorgestellt, wie sich Mobilität auf wirtschaftlich ...
Eurostat and the Joint Research Centre (JRC) have published a new set of 12 macroeconomic globalisation indicators that ...
Professor and researcher Sergi Abadal Cavallé, from the UPC’s Department of Computer Architecture, has been awarded last july ...
The first of EUMETSAT’s Meteosat Third Generation (MTG) satellites became fully operational today. MTG-Imager 1 also ...
Energy efficiency — the number of instructions a computer can execute using one joule of energy — is improving every day, but ...